At our first Get to Know Day in November 2022 we were positively surprised by the large number of young people who came to visit us, keen to learn more about working as an operating system engineer. So we did not have to think long about setting up a sequel!
We are again inviting students of IT/computer science who are curious how the workday of an open-source software developer looks like. Explore the exciting job opportunities as an operating system engineer and learn about the many industries we are working for – from automotive and avionics to high-security government agencies.
Our company was founded 10 years ago by three likeminded TU Dresden scientists and students. They developed the origins of the open-source software L4Re and refined it to become one of the most secure operating systems on the market. We are looking especially for people who find new ways of doing things, who think out of the box and who like to delve deep into computer architecture and low-level software programming.
Does that sound good to you? Do you want to know more or do you already have a specific request we can help you with? Please come visit us at our Get-to-know day on November 1st!
We are preparing an afternoon full of activities for our guests: Our CEO Dr. Michael Hohmuth will welcome you, our CTO Adam Lackorzynski will inform you about opportunities working and/or studying with Kernkonzept. You will also hear some shared personal experience by employees and former trainees, and of course we will provide you with snacks and drinks to get you through the afternoon!
To give us time to prepare accordingly, please send us a short text at to sign up for our Get-to-know day on November 1st.